A framework for more productive debugging // Thursday, 30th June 2022
Roberta Mataityte
downloadYou can either try to guess your way out of a bug and potentially end up spending a large amount of time getting carried away and going off in unproductive directions.
Or you can make use of the 9 golden rules of debugging to track down pesky bugs systematically, in no time at all.
This is a talk inspired by a book by David J. Agans book, a forgotten classic, “Debugging: the 9 indispensable rules for finding even the most elusive software and hardware problems”.
Roberta is a Software Engineer at FutureLearn, a leading online education platform. Prior to working in technology she worked for the arts and film sector and has a keen interest in the cross section of art, culture and technology. These days when not learning, coding or debugging, she is probably trying to grow the perfect balcony tomatoes.